A workshop led by Marco D’Agostin


Age group of participants
8 – 10 year olds
14 – 16 year olds


STARS is a workshop for children and teenagers that encourages them to reclaim their physicality in a joyful and rebellious way, by deconstructing the imaginary of the show business
Each entertainment “star” shines at the beginning of each meeting, but then it is dismantled and recomposed by the physical and emotional experience of the participants. Through a series of exercises, the main characteristics of each star (how they move, use their voice, their attitude and choreographic sequences) encourage the bodies to consider themselves from a different point of view, mixing genders, clichés, registers, exaggerations and simplifications; it is a path that leads the group to turn everything upside down in a way for their skills and characteristics to shine.


Workshop module
3 meetings of 1 hour and a half each


Marco D’Agostin èis an artist active in the field of dance and performance. His works persistently question the themes of memory and entertainment. They have been touring since 2010 in the main European festivals and theatres (Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, The Place Theatre in London, Kampnagel in Hamburg, Santarcangelo, Romaeuropa, VIE, Torinodanza) and have received numerous awards (UBU Prize, BEFestival, (Re)connaissance).


Primary school Mariele Ventre IC 1 | San Lazzaro di Savena
Monday 17th April 2023
Thursday 20th April 2023
Thursday 27th April 2023


Primary school Mariele Ventre IC 1 | San Lazzaro di Savena
Tuesday 18th April 2023
Friday 21st April 2023
Thursday 27th April 2023


Secondary school I.C. 3 Lame | Bologna
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Wednesday 19th April 2023
Wednesday 17nd May 2023


Secondary school I.C. 3 Lame | Bologna
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Wednesday 19th April 2023
Wednesday 17nd May 2023


Pic by Loris Salussolia