Corpi Nature Culture – Sulla natura come luogo comune

A workshop for educators and teachers by Letizia Lambertini.


Nobody lives everywhere; everybody lives somewhere.
Nothing is connected to everything; everything is connected to something.

Donna Haraway, Chthulucene


The pandemic has forced us to experience an unimaginable limit.
The widespread presumption of being able to control nature, to tame it or to save it has changed drastically.
How did we end up in this universal disaster? What is the cultural model that led to it? What does nature has to say about the limitations of that model? And how does it challenge us as thinking beings?
This workshop offers food for thought, exercises and didactic games in order to analyze the current situation in the light of the patriarchal and feminist cultural models and their perspectives for the deconstruction and reconstruction of the world and of human coexistence.


The workshop organization
The workshop is divided into 2 meetings of 2 hours each that will take place online and will be available by registering at for a group of up to 12 people. The meetings will take place on April 14 and 21 from 5 pm to 7 pm through Meet.


How it works
A week before each meeting, the participants will receive, by e-mail, a short video introduction, some texts providing additional information and two guiding questions, which are meant to be used for reflection, in order to exchange insights during the meeting. Each meeting will start with a brief summary of the introduction and the texts which will be followed by an initial exchange of thoughts, questions and answers. Those who want can then share their insights which will be used as material for further reflections. This will be followed by the presentation of a didactic game (an individual game in the first meeting, and a group game in the second one) and a guided game activity.


The presenter
Letizia Lambertini has a degree in Contemporary History and specializes in Gender Studies, Equal Opportunities and Teaching Practices. Since 1993 she has been working in the field of policies for equal opportunities for which she has conceived and implemented numerous research and action projects, which focus especially on gender education, the prevention of violence against women, and women’s empowerment in migratory contexts. She is the creator and curator of various training tools for the didactic and educational support of those who work in these areas.


Performance and photos
balenabianca – circo poetico collaborated in the creation of the didactic games.